Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The dreaded day

Today is the dreaded day.... I guess.

I run 20 miles tonight. And I LOATH this day. I couldn't sleep last night... like all the nights before my long run I just can't stop thinking about running enough to get a good solid sleep in.  I wasn't even possitive that I was going to do my 20 miler today and I still couldn't sleep.  I've gotta do something about that. I can't imagine running a marathon on 4 hours of poor sleep. But at least I have lots of practice at running on next to no sleep.


As soon as Shane gets home from work I will quickly feed my family, jump into my running clothes and run, and run, and run, and die, and run some more. The goal is to make in home before dark. Actually I will probably run two 10 mile loops so that I can go to the bathroom, get a decent drink and contemplate skipping the second loop all together.

a little more than 4 weeks and it will be history. The pain, I'm sure, will not be.

I read an article about doing sprints to keep your twitch muscles in check so that even when you are exhausted you can keep a good turnover. This is really what I need because I get really slow and worn out and all my runs aren't really improving my form, just my endurance. But the thought of doing sprints after my runs makes me want to barf. I did some yesterday. Maybe every other time? 

I'm ready to go back to running 3-5 miles 3 days a week for the heck of it.  chances are, I won't even be able to keep that up. SIGH

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