Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Supposed to...

This week is supposed to be pretty intense. Running wise anyway.

5 miles, 4X800, 4 miles, rest, 4 miles fast, 14 miles.

Instead I think this is how it's going to go:

4 miles (I walked over a mile of it), rest? or maybe 2 slow miles, 4 miles, 3 miles fast, 5-7 miles.

I have a race on Monday (10K) and while my time doesn't matter, I don't want to die. And it would be nice to have a better time than last year.

We started off the week with 4 hours in the E.R. in the middle of the night. Monday, I could barely stand up, let alone run.

I just think this week isn't the week to push it.

Speaking of pushing it. I'm not getting any faster. I'm stuck in my nine minute miles like a fly stuck on a fly trap.

Actually, I have no idea how fast I'm running really. I don't run with a watch. All I know is that if I run 3 miles, I get home 30 minutes after I left, if I run 12 miles, I get home 2 hours after I left.  I know... that's 10 minute miles, but I do walk and stretch a little in there accounting for the extra time. ;) I just feel like I'm not getting any faster at all.

Oh well, here goes another week.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A day of rest

I think I'm going to look forward to Thursdays this summer. It is my "rest" day. (along with Sunday, but that day is filled with church responsibilities and such and is exhausting on a whole new level)

Things are starting to pick up on my running schedule. My lovely 3 miles runs have now turned into 4 mile runs, and next week will be 5 mile runs! SCARY!

I haven't run mileage like this since highschool and I was young and had not given birth 3 times. I didn't have little people waking me at all hours of the night and my meals were pretty much made for me.

On a fantastically positive note, I'm getting my apatite back. Do you know how long I've gone since food was simply something to cure hunger pains? Just about since I was pregnant with Roman. It's been over 6 years now!

The other day I made some of my sisters Rhubarb crisp. I devoured it and was so absolutely satisfied afterward. It was like heaven.

I may be able to pin this wonderful development on running. I don't know, but I like it!

This week I did intervals again. And will continue to do intervals just about week. This time it was 4 X 800's. I took my kids to the track hoping they would play happily in the sand pit while I ran around and around. No such luck. Ezra cried so I had to push him and Marisa. Uggg. Talk about exhausting. I guess it's can only be good for my training to push them but it's so hard. They weigh a combined total of 60 lbs and the stroller is something like 15 lbs.  75 lbs I'm pushing around! As soon as the wind pushes against us even a little I feel it.

I'm not against just letting Ezra cry until he gives up and starts playing, but the whole town was at the track that morning. I didn't want to seem cruel... even though I am... a little. :)

Friday, June 18, 2010


I haven't been writing about my running because I was on vacation in Ohio.

Never fear though, I ran dilligently and I think I only missed one day.

Wow! Talk about training. Just go from a place with litterally no humidity to a place with 80% humidity.

My first run was a simple 4 mile run and I nearly died. I probably walked over 1/2 mile and came home just dripping with sweat.

I shortened my long runs two miles because It became really hard to cool down with all the humidity. So my 8 mile run was actually just over 6 and my 10 mile run was 8.5 miles. They were still quite the work out.

One day I decided to do some lunges in hopes of strengthening my silly hips. HOLY COW! I was in pain for an entire week for that stunt. I guess I haven't been using that muscle AT ALL when I run. But my hip has felt a little better so I think I better keep it up.

Also, I got my official results from my 5k and was slightly disappointed. My actual time was 27:11. I wish I could use the excuse that it took 5 minutes just to get across the start line, but 'tis not so. There were 178 runners. Still, At least it wasn't 30 minutes. :)

Now we are back home and I am totally enjoying my low mileage week. 3-3 mile runs with a 6 mile Saturday. I wish they were all so easy.