Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Race #3

Race #3 is over! Ok, this was actually the one I was most looking forward to. I really liked my last 1/2 marathon. It was fulfilling, easier than I thought it would be and actually quite nice.

The morning started early. 4:30 to be exact and I was tired from not sleeping well. I've got to figure something out before we hit St. George. Tylenol PM or something. It's so frustrating to not be able to turn off my brain and sleep.

I had a small bowl of cereal and headed out the door to pick up my packet since I didn't want to drive up to Orem to pick it up the day before.

I got there early enough that there was a moderate amount of people, but not tons. I was able to park easily and quickly gather my timing chip and bib #.

I got on a bus that quickly left the park. I was sure this was going to be a more organized race than my last 1/2 marathon.

well.... it was only slightly better.

I got off the bus about 1/2 hour later and started walking to the start line which was "just up the hill".

Nearly 1 mile later I was a little irritated. It was a pretty big hill and I didn't want to hike so far before running 13 miles. But oh well. So I found my place around the 9 minute mile pace marker and started stretching. And I stretched and stretched and sat, and stretched, and waited, and walked around, and got a drink and waited and stretched .... for over an HOUR!!! And of course it was freezing.

They started 45 minutes late. UGGGG

I did talk to some really nice girls while I waited though.

So the gun FINALLY goes off, although I don't think there was actually a gun, I think they just said GO. 2 minutes later I was across the start line and we were off.

Besides feeling like my muscles were already out of juice before I even started I felt great, so I went with it. I was probably running around 8 minute miles for the first 5 or 6 miles.

But the late start made the heat sort of miserable. By the time we lost a lot of elevation in those first miles it was just plain hot.

I usually just go past most of the water stations but I HAD to get water. It was hot and I was tired.

Unfortunately, I also HAD to pee. Darn it!!!! At mile 9 there was one last port a potty and I stopped to make myself more comfortable because there were only two girls waiting. But I waited for two minutes without the current person coming out. Watching my time slow before my eyes was killing me so I ran on, wishing and hoping for another potty in vain. It really made me wish I had just stopped earlier but I didn't need to go then.

I think in St. George I will make a point to just go every 7 miles or something so I don't get stuck like this.

Around mile 10 Shane was at an intersection with the kids. It was nice to have them there when I was so dead, but mostly my mind was on my bladder. They continued to meet me a few times in the next mile or so, then they had to head off to Soccer practice so I was back to focusing on finishing.

That last mile was tough. MAN it was tough. But I made it and was happy to see the clock say 1:56:36 as I crossed.

I met my goal. I finished faster than last time by 6  minutes. I would have loved for it to be by 13 minutes but I will take what I get.  My chip time was 1:54:56.

Subtract the two minutes I stood in line for the potty and maybe a 1/2 to another minute for the time I lost for being so darn miserable at the end of the race because I needed to go to the bathroom and that gets me pretty close. :)

Anyway, It was a good race. I realized that I probably need to be eating a touch better these next weeks. It can't hurt. My muscles felt empty through almost the entire race and I think it was a result of my diet. And maybe I took it a little too easy the prior weeks.

I'm still alive, my quads ache and I walk like I've been riding a horse but that only means I'm getting stronger right? At least that's what I'm telling myself.

So... Here we go.. we're down to the wire.

A big 20 mile run to complete in two weeks and then we are on our way to St. George baby! Wa Hoo!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

3 days

Only three days and I've got another race.

I'm basking in this lovely low key week, although I blew it and had two hamburgers and a hotdog before running last night and ended up cutting my run even shorter and walking home. My stomach was protesting wildly.

I did grab a couple of big rocks and swung my arms profusely like professional speed walker in order to have some good come of my poor dietary decisions.

I got an email from the people who direct the race I'm running on Saturday. It's content was a little irritating. Here are the exact words from start to finish:

"Being one of the last accepted registrants, We are asking for your cooperation to please load the first group of buses at 5:00 am in order to get all buses to the drop off area early enough to start the race on time.  We appreciate your help in doing so.  Have a great race!"

Why is that irritating? Well, let me tell you:

First, I say, you snooze you loose. And... I was in the very first group of buses on my 1/2 marathon last year. BIG, HUGE, GINORMOUS, GARGANTUAN mistake.

I sat on that bus for an hour before it even budged, FREEZING my rear off and gnawing on a piece of cardboard, oh... I mean a snickers marathon bar. Then I stood at the start line for another hour and half wanting to die because it was so cold and nothing was happening while the last buses came up the canyon. But that was a different, VERY poorly organized race with even more runners.

Unless they make an effort to assign buses ahead of time based on what order you signed up for the race. I say a big FAT middle finger to your unsigned email. SORRY :)

Don't get me wrong. I WILL be there at 5 because I want to be able to find a place to park (there are something like 300 spots for the 1500 runners), I'm not driving to Orem to get my race packet, (ok, I might) but if I don't make it then I'm going to have to pick it up the morning of the race, and I don't want to get left behind. Sorry, but if you think I'm getting on that first bus you are mistaken! And sorry, everyone who signed up for the race did so within something like a 9 hour window.  First and last means NOTHING. AND...I will have a great race, thank you!

Another note, I have finally secured what I think will be acceptable lodging in St. George. What a pain! Three reservations, about 20 phone calls and a few sleepless nights and I think we're set. Two nights in St. George ought to be nice. I just wish it was in February when I'm sick and tired of the cold weather.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A new record

Last weekend I ran the farthest I've ever run... EVER in my entire life. I went 17 miles.

Boy it was tough to run that far all by myself. 

I left home around 5:45 am which was also very hard. I don't like running in the dark and while I could see the signs of morning creeping over the edges of the mountains it was still quite dark.

Luckily, anyone in their right mind is asleep at 5:45 on a Saturday morning and I could basically run in the middle of the road where I could more easily see my surroundings. Everyone in their right mind may be sleeping, but I worry about the one's who aren't "in the right mind". For the most part I try not to worry about what could happen to me when I'm out running by myself, but worry about it just enough to stay out of harms way the best I can I guess.

Strike #3. I am so slow to wake up in the morning. I just drag and drag and drag. It seriously takes me 5 miles to feel like I'm awake. Last Saturday was no different.

And last but not least. I chose a route that was good because I knew there were bathrooms and water through most of it. But I really should have run it backwards. I ended up running east in Spanish Fork for about 3 miles. If you don't know much about Spanish Fork, you still probably know that it's always windy there. ALWAYS! There is this canyon and they have 6 huge windmills at the mouth because, in the morning especially, the wind blows so hard all the trees grow at an angle. I was running straight into it.

I did somehow make it home. It only took me three hours. ONLY! Ugggg. I'm tired again just thinking about it.

Then I come home to a family all fresh and ready to play and work all day.

Mileage like this will not be missed and will never be in my voluntary running schedule. That's for sure!

Surprisingly my muscles didn't really hurt after the run, it was my bones. All up and down my legs the bones and joints hurt. And why wouldn't they? Seriously, running for 3 hours straight (ok, so I walked a little) is a LONG TIME!

And to think I will probably, hopefully, maybe run just an hour longer than that and 9 more miles than that seems impossible. Yet, totally do-able. Factor in a lot of adrenalin, and about 7,000 running partners as well as a big ol' helping of satisfaction and I just might make it.

Last week was a relaxed week with three glorious days off. The coming week is even more relaxed with three days off and low mileage then WHAM! A big fat 1/2 marathon on Saturday. I really can't wait. It should be a good race.

My half marathon last year was good. I was not prepared and had only run maybe 7 miles at the most but still ran the entire way and finished in 2 hours flat. My only goal this year is to beat my time.

The only thing that could get in my way would be a bathroom break. Darn bathroom breaks!

So... I'll let you know how it goes. :)